Welcome to BeLoved 2020!
Beauty from Ashes
Every year for the last three years we have run a one-day women’s conference. This is a day to help women from all walks of life to spend time in the presence of the Lord. Our vision is for women to know that they are BE-loved by God – truly cherished, absolutely loved and fulfilled in knowing who they are in Christ.
This year is no different, albeit virtual for the first time. We pray though that though physically separated you will feel connected to your sisters in Christ.
This years conference is broken into different sessions, for you to dip in and out as needed, so grab a cuppa, pen,paper and Bible and be Blessed!
Session 1 – Welcome!
Our BeLoved Welcome, song and reflection from Rachel
Session 2
Our main talk from Kate and reflective worship inlcuding from Grace and Grace
Session 3
A blend of reflections/skit and Kellys first gift of “Joy” (if you know you know)
Session 5
Main worship from last years guest Worship leader, Matthew
Session 6
Some more “Joy”, and the Big Quiz!
Session 7
As we wind down we close with a last song and refletive prayer from Jill