Justice Team

God is a just God and he loves justice (fairness and equity), righteousness (doing the right thing) and mercy. Jesus exhibited these characteristics in his earthly life and God encourages his people to live out these kingdom values. The prophet Micah succinctly sums this idea up when he challenges Israel, “What does the Lord require of you?” Then he answers his own question, “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”.

The Justice Team have a heart for Justice and aim to continually encourage the church, partners and friends to demonstrate kingdom living, socially, ethically and environmentally. We encourage regular teaching on these issues in Sunday morning services and supervise church progress on The Eco Church Project.

Christians against poverty (CAP)

CAP Money is a simple, yet highly effective money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a cash-based system that really works.


TBC is a partner church in the Trussell Trust South Gwynedd Area Foodbank. Since 2013 TBC has been privileged to support the Area Foodbank by helping to collect donations and to help deliver donations to the main Area Foodbank warehouse.