“Be assured, if you walk with him, and look to him and expect help from him, he will never fail you.” George Mϋller
April Prayer Diary
- Praise God for what he has done for you as we approach Good Friday and Easter Day. Be still ………..
- Pray for the young people and leaders leaving for Mexico today. Pray that they can do ‘all things through Christ who strengthens them’.
- Good Friday: Reflect on the price that was paid for your sins to be forgiven – this is the ultimate act of love. Thank you Jesus.
- “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you ‘Do not fear, I will help you ‘” Is 4:13 Pray for anyone, including yourself, who needs to hear these words.
- THE LORD IS RISEN! We rejoice in the resurrection and the hope it brings. Let us pray together and set the captives free.
- Pray for all those who will come into TBC today. Pray they will experience God’s peace and refreshment.
- B.M.S.Action teams have returned to the UK and begin tour training today – pray for them.
- Pray for all those away on the Mexican trip. Pray for their safety and health and that they will know God’s presence in all they are doing.
- Pray for anyone known to you who is struggling with illness, relationship breakdown, financial trouble or any other pressure. Ask God to draw near.
- Pray for the hospital and health centre as they administer medical care for local residents and visitors.
- Pray for the work of the Bible Society as they seek to come up with more ways of helping children read and engage with the Bible this year.
- Pray for the meetings at TBC today and remember those all over the world who are unable to worship with others because of persecution.
- Ask God for continued guidance for the leadership of TBC and for those responsible for finance and the tithing team.
- Think of an area of need in your community and ask Jesus how you can speak out, pray, give and act in response.
- Ask the LORD to draw close to teenagers who are struggling with serious problems – pray for their protection.
- Give thanks for all those who care for the elderly both within families and outside of the family structure.
- TEAR Fund brings relief to many in the world; pray or the ongoing work of this great organization.
- BMS – Pray for the workers of BMS during a time of change that a clear vision and workable plan can be established.
- Pray for those bringing God’s word to us today, may it help us in the days ahead. Thank God for his involvement in your life.
- Pray for all those who will come into TBC this week to take part in all the various activities from the youngest to the oldest.
- Pray for the schools in this area, ask God to bring more Christians to work in the local schools.
- Ask God to bring physical and psychological healing to women who have suffered from sex trafficking.
- Give thanks for those who lead worship at TBC, pray for the musicians and singers as they meet together for practice tonight.
- Thank God for the Food Bank, pray for those who need its help in our area also for the work of C.A.P.
- Ask God to grant courage, clarity and grace to Christians who are working throughout the media. Pray they will be salt and light in that environment
- Commit this day to the LORD. Ask God by the Holy Spirit to anoint all who preach the truth in Tywyn and the surrounding area.
- Pray for the members meeting tonight at TBC, that all that is said and done will be honouring to God,
- Give thanks for all the Christians who are standing for Parliament in the forthcoming General Election.
- Thank God for the work of The Gideons International as they distribute God’s word throughout the world.
- Pray we will be good stewards of our time and resources as we serve the LORD.