May Prayer Diary

  1. As many visit this area in the coming months may they realise just who the creator is.
  2. Pray for the services at TBC tomorrow and pray for those all over the world who are unable to worship with others because of persecution
  3. This is the day that the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
  4. Give thanks for the thousands of bibles that have been distributed to the Cambodian Christians and that many will come to faith there.
  5. Pray we will be ‘salt and light’ in our neighbourhoods, workplaces and leisure times.
  6. Bring Suzanne, the Elders and Deacons to God in prayer today that he will bless their work in the church.
  7. Thank God for the right to vote and for freedom of speech. Pray that voters and politicians will make wise choices. Pray for those who come to power and for those who lose power.
  8. Continue to pray for ‘Advent’. Pray for their witness and involvement in the community.
  9. Ask God to bless and encourage those who minister to the younger children in Junior church, pre school church and young people.
  10. Commit this day to the LORD. Pray that our praise and worship be pleasing to him. Pray that we will hear what God is saying to us as a church and as individuals.
  11. Ask God to bless this Christian Aid Week Thank him for all those who will give their time to make Christian Aid Week happen. Give thanks for the work of Christian Aid.
  12. God is the giver of all good gifts. Pray for wisdom, courage and discernment as we continue in our daily tasks.
  13. Bring before God those known to you who are grieving at this time, pray they will know God’s comfort.
  14. Pray for the newly elected MP in your constituency as they represent you and your community in Parliament.
  15. Bring before God our house groups and bible study groups that they will be beneficial for spiritual growth and increasing of our faith.
  16. Pray for those today at the Baptist Assembly in Peterborough that as they meet together they may be inspired by mission and discipleship.
  17. Pray for those attending church today in Tywyn and area that they will be blessed and challenged by the ministry of God’s word.
  18. Give thanks to God and pray for all the activities that take place during the coming week at TBC.
  19. Ask God to give continued guidance to those responsible for finance at TBC and those on the Tithing Team.
  20. Pray for everyone who is hungry today whether they live thousands of miles away or in our local community.
  21. The healing power of Jesus is just as active as it ever was. Pray for pain relief and healing of mind and body for those who need it.
  22. Thank God for those attending the Big Church Day Out musical festival tomorrow, Pray for all the Christian organisations that will be there.
  23. Praying doesn’t always involve words. Meditating on Media topics an be fruitful and thought provoking. Try it today !
  24. As God’s Spirit came down and rested on Jesus pray the same Spirit will rest on all at TBC today as we celebrate Pentecost. ‘ Holy Spirit we welcome you’
  25. Pray for the health centre and hospital for the strength tp persevere and that their efforts will be appreciated.
  26. Pray that more people will have the opportunity to read the bible as Christianity expands in Viet Nam and Laos.
  27. Pray for the rebuilding of communities and the regeneration of survivors of Ebola.
  28. Thank God for ‘Care for the Family’, the Food Bank and C.A.P. and help us to support them in prayer and financially,
  29. Pray for the continuing crisis in Syria – some two million refugees need assistance.
  30. Ask God to help us all to pray ever more in line with his will to change people’s lives.
  31. Thank God of the freedom of worship we have in TBC. Pray we will be united in love for God and for each other.