Life at TBC
TBC is a vibrant community of believers. We have a wide variety of activities going on weekly, involving many church members, aimed at all age groups and serving our local community. Click on the boxes below to find out more.
Youth - Not active during lockdown
We have a thriving youth ministry at TBC that is well attended by youth from church families and the wider community.
Families - Not active during lockdown
We love families at TBC and run several groups in the week aimed at babies, toddlers and their parents, all free of charge.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is at the heart of TBC life. We believe in the care and support of every individual who has chosen to make TBC their home church.
Prayer is the ‘engine room’ of our church. Howerver, during lockdown TBC is running a prayer meeting via zoom.
Home Groups - Not active during lockdown
To be reviewed in September 2021
Meeting in small groups during the week is a key way to enjoy more fellowship, dig deeper into God’s word and mature our faith.
Creative Groups - Not active during lockdown
A group of people meet on the second and fourth Thursday of each month between 2pm and 4pm in the back rooms at TBC to enjoy creating with flowers.
Social Justice
God is a just God and he loves justice (fairness and equity), righteousness (doing the right thing) and mercy.
The church operates a robust safeguarding policy to ensure that every vulnerable person among us is kept safe. Our safeguarding leads regularly stay up to date with relevant training. More information about safeguarding can be found in the church foyer.